with just a little over 3 weeks to go i am actually ready to run this race NOW. i've done the training. i've spent entire weekends away from my wife and friends and fun. now that i'm in the tapering portion of my training the anticipation is growing. i know the old body probably needs a few weeks to heal all the minor aches and pains before the actual start of the race. but the head is telling me something else. the head is telling me it's time to get this party started.
the past couple of weeks i've been meeting hank randall one or two days a week and we hike/run to the top of kennesaw mountain. my training in the past has primarily taken place on the southern end of the park between burnt hickory road and kolb farm. it's got some moderate hills, but i almost wish i had taken advantage of the mountain a little bit more.
since this is my first official post i wanted to mention an incident that happened a couple of weeks ago. i was attacked on the trail! literally. attacked not by a dog or a bear or something ferocious. i was actually attacked by a mama turkey. those weren't cute little baby ducks i saw crossing the trail just ahead of me with water nowhere in sight. they were turkeys and their mother was none too happy to see my dumb ass checking them out. she chased. i ran. i'm sure it would have been funny to see.